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Family Gramineae
Dinochloa dielsiana Pilger

Scientific names Common names
Dinochloa dielsiana Pilger Bikal baboy (Tag.)
Schizostachyum dielsianum (Pilger) Merr. Bikal-boboi (S. L. Bis.)
The species is distince from Schizostachyum diffusum (Blanco) Merr. which is the common "bikal."
Dinochloa dielsiana Pilg. is an accepted name. The Plant List

Bikal-boboi is an endemic bamboo, sprawling and scandent habit, from a short woody rhizome to 20 - 25 meters tall. Culms are about 20-25 millimeters in diameter, and widely branched. Leaves are linear, about 2 centimeters long and 2 centimeters wide, with rounded base. Inflorescences are diffused, with long slender branches. Spikes are somewhat compressed. Fruit is a nutlet in a leathery rind which bears a slender point.

- Endemic bamboo reported from Palawan only, In thickets and forests at low altitude.

Parts used
Young shoots and rhizomes.


- Decoction of rhizomes make a refreshing drink.
- Young shoots used to dissipate corneal opacities.
- Culms are used for making basketa and chairs.

No studies found.


Updated December 2018 / February 2013

IMAGE SOURCE: Illustration: Leaves, flowers, and fruits / Photograph by Camus, E. G., Les bambuse?es, Atlas, Vol 2:t.96. fig B (1913) / Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial ShareAlike / Useful Tropical Plants

Additional Sources and Suggested Readings
Dinochloa dielsiana Pilg. / Synonyms / The Plant List


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