Scientific names | Common names |
Acacia leucocephala (Lam.) F.Dietr. | Agho (P. Bis.) |
Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit | Aghog (P. Bis.) |
Mimosa leucocephala Lam. | Ipel (Tag.) |
Accepted Infraspecifics | Ipil-ipil (Tag.) |
Leucaena leucocephala subsp. glabrata (Rose) Zarate | Kabahero (C. Bis.) |
Leucaena leucocephala subsp. ixtahuacana C.E.Hughes | Kariskis (Ilk.) |
Leucaena leucocephala subsp. leucocephala | Komkompitis (Ilk.) |
Loyloi (S. L. Bis.) | |
Santa Elena (Span.) | |
San Pedro (P. Bis.) | |
Horse tamarind (Engl.) | |
Jumpy bean (Engl.) | |
Lead tree (Engl.) | |
Leucaena (Engl.) | |
Pearl wattle (Engl.) | |
River tamarind (Engl.) | |
White lead tree (Engl.) | |
White popinac (Engl.) | |
Wild tamarind (Engl.) | |
Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit is an accepted species. KEW: Plants of the World Online |
Other vernacular names |
AMHARIC: Lukina. |
ARABIC: Leuceana. |
AFRIKAANS: Reuse Wattel. |
CHAMORRO: Tangan-Tangan, Tangantangan. |
CHAMORRO: Tangan-Tangan, Tangantangan. |
CHINESE: Bai he huan, Yin he huan. |
CREOLE: Lisina, Delen. |
FIJIAN: Balori, Vaivai, Vaivai Ni Vavalangi. |
FRENCH: Faux mimosa, Faux-acacia, Graines de lin, Tamarin batard. |
HAWAIIAN: Koa haole, False koa. |
HINDI: Kadam, Toira, Subabul, Tgari, Koo babul, lamtoro. |
INDIA: Kubabul, Subabul. |
INDONESIAN: Klandingan, Lamtoro, Pelending, Petai cina. |
JAPANESE: Kladingan, Lamtoro. |
JAVANESE: Kladingan, Lamtoro. |
KHMER: Krathum' thé:t, Khtum té:hs. |
KOSRAEAN: Rohbohtin, Tuhngantuhngan. |
LAO: Kathin, Kan thin, Kh'oonz koong, Khaaw, Kh'o:ng kha:w. |
MAYAN: Huaxin. |
MALAY: Ipil-ipil, Petai jawa, Petai belalang. |
PALAUAN: Telentund. |
SAMOAN: Fua Pepe, Lusina. |
SPANISH: Guaje, Huaxin, Tamarindo Silvestre, Uaxim, Santa Elena.Acacia bella rosa. |
THAI: Katin, Krathin, To-gao. |
TONGAN: Siale Mohemohe. |
VANUATU: Cassis. |
VIETNAMESE: Keo d[aaj]u, Keo dau, Bo chet, Bo ch[es]t. |
OTHERS: Tan-tan, Jumbay. |
Gen info
- Etymology: The genus name leucaena derives from Greek 'leukos', meaning white, referring to the white inflorescences of the plant. The specific epithet 'leucocephala' derives from 'leu' meaning white, and 'cephala' meaning head, again referring to the white flowers. (41)
- In the 70s and 80s, it was called the "miracle tree" because of its many uses. It was also considered a boon-and-bane tree, both for its forage use and propensity to spread.Botany
Ipil-ipil is a small tree growing up 8 meters high. Leaves are compound, 15 to 25 centimeters long, with hairy rachis. Pinnae are 8 to 16, and 5 to 8 centimeters long. Leaflets are 20 to 30, linear oblong, and 7 to 12 millimeters long. Heads are solitary, at the axils of the leaves, long-peduncled, globose, and 2 to 5 centimeters in diameter, with many flowers. Flowers are whitish, in dense globule heads, 2 to 3 centimeters in diameter. Fruit is an oblong or linear pod, strap-shaped, 12 to 18 centimeters long, 1.4 to 2 centimeters wide, papery, green turning to brown and splitting open along two edges when mature, and several fruits developing from each flower head. Each pod contains 15 to 25 elliptic, compressed, shining, brown seeds, each 5 to 8 millimeters long, 3 to 5 millimeters wide.Distribution
- In settled areas at low and medium altitudes throughout the Philippines.
- Locally gregarious and abundant.
- Ornamental or roadside landscaping.
- Probably introduced by the Spanish conquistadores who carried leucaena feed and seed on their galleons to the Philippines to feed their stock. (40)
- Now pantropic.
• Raw seeds yield fat, 8.68%; crude fiber, 22.59%; nitrogen-free material other than fiber, 9.78%; nitrogen, 6.42%; sucrose; water, 14.8%; ash, 4.2%.
• Seed contains the toxic amino acid mimosine.
• Study of whole plant yielded ficaprenol-11 (polyprenol) (1), squalene (2), lupeol (3), ß-sitostenone (4), trans-coumaric acid (5), cis-coumaric acid (6) pheophytin-α (7), pheophorbide α methyl ester (8), methyl-132-hydroxy-(132-S)-pheophorbide-b (9) and aristo-phyll-C (10). (25 )
• Leaves and seeds contain lipids, crude protein and carbohydrates. Seeds contain tannin and oxalic acid. Kernel contains oil, 17-20%. Leaves and seeds yield a toxic and non protein substance called mimosine. (29)
• Study for secondary metabolites yielded 14 compounds including four steroids, triterpenoid, and two benzenoids. (29)
• Whole plant yielded polyprenol, squalene, lupeol, ß-sitostenone, trans-coumaric acid, cis-coumaric acid, polyphytin-α, pheophorbide α methyl ester, methyl-13-S)-pheophorbide-b, and aristophyll -C.
• Study for chemical constituents of leaves (L) and seeds (S) yielded: crude protein 25.9% (L), 46% (S); carbohydrate 40% (L), 45% (S); tannin 4% (L), 1.2% (S); mimosin 7.19% (L), 10% (S); total ash 11% (L), 3.79% (S); total N 4.2% (L); crude protein 25.9% (L), 8.4% (S); calcium 2.36% (L), 4.4% (S); phosphorus 0.23% (L), 0.189% (S); ß-carotene 536.0 mg/kg; gross energy 20.1kJ/g; and tannin 10.15 mg/g. (29)
• Mineral and constituent analysis of seeds yielded: K 137.3, N 338.0, Mg 44.6, Ca 44.4, Na 12.6, Mn 52.6, Fe 642.4, Cu 55.0, Zn 125.1, fatty acid 15%, saponification value 108.74, iodine value 4.90, and acid value 1.08. (29)
• Mineral composition and mimosine content of the plant vary considerably among different species, and even within the same species and for various cultivars. Variations in composition have been observed in different parts of the plant and at different stages of growth.
• Flavanoidal constituents isolated from various fractions of aqueous alcoholic extract of aerial parts of Leucaena leucocephala were identified as caffeic acid, isorhamnetin, chrysoeriol, isorhamnetin, 3-O-galactoside, kaempferol-3-O-rubinoside, quercetin-3-O-rhmanoside, and luteolin-7-glucoside. (see study below) (38)
• Composition study of Malawi-grown leucaena (NAS 1977) yielded amino acid contents of arginine 294 mg/gN, cysteine 88 mg/gN, histidine 125 mg/gN, isoleucine 563 mg/gN, leucine 469 mg/gN, lysine 313 mg/gN, methionine 100 mg/gN, methionine+cysteine 188 mg/gN, phenylalanine 294 mg/gN, threonine 231 mg/gN, tyrosine 263 mg/gN, and valine 338 mg/gN. (38)
• Study of leaves yielded five compounds viz., hentriacontanol (1),octadecylic acid (2),β-sitosterol (3), quercetin-3-O-α-L-rhamnose (4) and daucosterol (5). (48)
- GC-MS analysis of leaves for essential oil yielded 30 phytochemicals with major constituents of neophytadiene (9.48%), octadecane (3.15%), 1-octadecyne m(3.85%), phytol (52.51%), and hexacosane (7.26%). (see study below) (67)
• Study of Leucaena leucocephala foliage for constituents isolated 17 diverse flavonoids (1-17), including flavones (5-09, 11 and 12), flavonols (1, 10 and 16), flavanone (4), flavanonol (15), and flavonol glycosides (2, 3, 13, 14, and 17). Flavonoids quercetin-3-O-α-rhamnopyranoside (2) and myricetin-3-O-α-rhamnopyranoside (17) were major flavonoid components in the leaves at 2.5% of dry matter. (see study below) (77)
- GC-MS analysis of leaves, fruits, stem barks, and wood branches yielded 49, 29, 34, and 27 phytoconstituents, respectively. Major components of leaves were 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid, mon(2-ethylhexyl) ester (17.7%), betulin (15.7%), lupeol (14.7%), androstan-17-one, 3-ethyl-3-hydroxy-(5a) (12.12%), 9,12,15-octadecatriemoic acid, methyl ester (Z,Z,Z) (11.6%), betametasone (9.7%) and ß-sitosterol (9.1%). (79)
- Study on chemical composition of seeds yielded crude protein 31.1%, crude fat 5.6%, crude fiber 13.2%, dry matter 94.8%, crude ash 4.5%, NFE 40.4%, calcium 3.70 g/kg, total phosphorus 3.40 g/kg, tannin 7.5 g/kg. phytate 697.5 mg/100g; Amino acids (g/kg): cystine 3.50, arginine 26.2, methionine 3.6, glutamic acid46.3, threonine 8.7, glycine 13.8, alanine 11.1, valine 11.1, isoleucine 9.3, leucine 18.1, lysine 13.9, methionine+cystine 7.10. (81)
• One of the fastest growing leguminous trees.
• Acrid, sweet, bitter, mildly toxic.
• Extract of seed has been reported to possess chemopreventive, anti-proliferative, antihelmintic, antidiabetic, and antibacterial properties.
• Studies have suggested hair-growth inhibitory, anti-cancer, CNS depressant, free radical scavenging, corrosion inhibitory, antinematicidal, anthelmintic, disintegrant, antidiabetic, phytoremediative, antidiabetic, alpha-glucosidase inhibitory, emulsifying, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial properties.Mimosine concerns
• Mimosine toxicity is not easily evident because Leucaena is just a small part of the diet. Also, if leucaena-containing soups and stews are cooked in iron pots, the mimosine is detoxified by complexing with the metal in the pot.
• Also read below: Mimosine-Iron Complexes / Alopecia: Study by Andre Gerard van Veen reports on the seed's amino acid mimosine and hair follicle toxicity that leads to alopecia. The outbreaks occur only when the plant is prepared in clay pots, and not in iron pots.
Parts utilized
Veterinary concerns
Dried seeds,leaves, root, bark.
- Almost all parts are consumed as food.
- In some provinces, seeds and young pods are cooked as vegetable.
- Roasted seeds used as coffee substitute.
- In Indonesia, young dry seeds are popped like
popcorn. (62)
- Young leaves, flowers, and young pods are used as ingredients in soups and salads. (62)
- Leaves and seeds used as human food in Central America, Indonesia and Thailand, and eaten in processed or unprocessed forms. In Java, seeds are fermented into tempe and eaten as sprouts or bean cake. (37)
- Tempe lamtoro, food prepared from fermented Leucaenal seeds, lacks mimosine, probably from the combined effects of washing, soaking, boiling, drying and fermenting. (37)
- In the Philippines, the traditional healers in Zamboanga del Sur, use leaves for the treatment of parasitic worms. (64)
- Roasted seeds used as emollient.
- Used for Intestinal parasitism: ascaris and trichinosis.
- Roots in decoction used as emmenagogue.
- Seeds used for stomachache, as contraceptive and abortifacient.
- In Latin America, decoction of bark and roots is a powerful emmenagogue.
- Decoction of root and bark used as contraceptive, depilatory, ecbolic.
- In the West Indies, used as abortifacient.
- Bark eaten for internal pain.
- Decoction of root and bark
- In China, seeds are eaten to rid of round worms.
- In Latin American, root and bark taken as contraceptive and depilatory. In Mexico, used for diabetes. In Indonesia, aqueous extract from boiled seeds used for diabetes. (26)
- Leaves: Leaves are high in protein and can be used as feed supplement.
- Wood: In the Philippines, popular use for reforestation work. Also, used for carving.
- Fuel: An excellent firewood species with a high calorific value of 4600 cal/kg. Makes an excellent charcoal with heating value of 29 mJ/kg. (41)
- Cover crop: Also much used as a cover crop and exterminator of kogon.
- Dye: Produces a brown dye.
- Seeds: Used for decorating bags.
- Forage: Highly nutritious forage tree. In the 1970s and early 80s, it was called the "miracle tree" because of its worldwide use as a long-lived and highly nutritious forage tree, along with various other uses. (40)
- Gum / Resin: Used as binder in tablet formulation. Gum similar to gum arabic with potential commercial value. (41)
- Fiber / Pulp: Used in paper and rayon industries. Paper has good printability but with low tearing and folding strength. (41)
• Leaves reported to be injurious to horses and young cattle who feed on it, causing falling hair from the manes and tails. Goats do not seem to be affected. The effect is attributed to the glucoside mimosine in leaves and seeds.
• Feeding the leaves to breeding animals may also affect reproduction. In poultry, it may cause decrease in production and delay in the birds reaching sexual maturity.
• Seed Gum / Tablet Binder: (1) R&D on seed gum for a pharmaceutical substitute for the imported guar gum used as a binder in tablet formulation. In 1996, ipil-ipil was found to be an excellent liquid excipient as a suspending and thickening agent. (2) The seed galactomannan of L. leucocephala, with properties similar to guar gum was evaluated as a pharmaceutical binder and compared with standard pharmaceutical binders regarding properties of compressibility, micromeritic and mechanical properties.
• Inhibition of Growth of Hair by Mimosine: Loss of hair been reported in animals following ingesting of seeds and foliage and in women after consumption of LG seeds. The toxic principle is leucenol, an amino-acid (identical to the mimosine of Mimosa pudica) found primarily in the seeds of ipil-ipil, and in lesser amounts in foliage and stems. (1)
• Mimosine-Iron Complexes / Alopecia: Study by Andre Gerard van Veen studied the properties of the seed's amino acid mimosine, a pyridoxine derivative, associated with hair follicle toxicity in the anagen phase of growth. He noted that the outbreaks of alopecia occurred only when the plant consumed was prepared in clay pots. In iron pots, no alopecia occurred, explained by the formation of mimosine-iron complexes that reduced the absorption of mimosine.
• Mimosine Enhancement of sensitivity of hepatoma and lung cancer cells to chemotherapeutic drugs: Mimosine inhibited the proliferation of liver and lung cancer cells and blocked cell cycle progression from G1 to S phases. There was reduction of formation of colony of cancer cells. Mimosine may act via inhibition of cyclin D1 synthesis. Long-term treatment of mimosine induced apoptosis in liver and lung cancer cells. Results conclude mimosine is a potent anti-cancer agent and can enhance the cytocidal effect of chemotherapeutic drugs. (3)
• Anti-Cancer / Mimosine: Mimosine, a plant specific amino acid extracted from the seeds of Lg, inhibited the proliferation of human hepatoma and lung cancer cells by suppression of cyclin D1, activating cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor and inducing apoptosis of cancer cells.
• Anti-Cancer / Mimosine / Additive Cytocidal Effect: Mimosine showed an additive cytocidal effect in combination with chemotherapeutic drug cisplatin in vivo.
• Anti-Cancer / Antiproliferative: Study extracted polysaccharides from the seeds of L leucocephala, sulfated to give a sulfated glycosylated form. Results showed the sulfated glycosylated form possessed significant anti-proliferative activity against different cell lines. It induced HepG2 cell death by necrosis, but not apoptosis. Study concludes the chemical modification of leucaena gum induced its cancer chemopreventive and anti-proliferative activities. (12)
• Bioactivity Study / Central Nervous System Depressant: Study of chloroform soluble and ethyl acetate soluble alkaloidal extracts from the seeds of Leucaena leucocephala showed central nervous system depressant activity evidenced by a decrease in respiratory rate and depth and a decrease in motor activity.
.• Disintegrant Action: L leucocephala seed gum was evaluated for disintegrant action in lactose-based tablets containing ibuprofen, a relatively insoluble drug. Study showed the seed gum swells rapidly when brought in contact with water, generating enough pressure to cause disintegration action. (8)
• Anthelmintic Effect: Study of seed extracts showed the most active fraction to contain polar polyphenols, providing scientific justification for the use of the aqueous extract in traditional practice and application in anthelmintic therapy in veterinary practice. (9) Study for anthelmintic effects showed the protein extracts of L. leucocephala had a detrimental effect on nematode eggs, of H. contortus, which could be attributed with the high protease and chitinase activity of the extracts. (51)
• Polyprenols: Study isolated from the whole plant of L leucocephala: ficapreol-11 (polyprenol), squalene and lupeol, isolated fro the first time from the species, plus 9 other known compounds.
• Hypoglycemic: Study in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats showed the extract of LL seed acts as a hypoglycemic agent by selective regeneration of beta-cells of STZ-damaged pancreas while also protecting the beta-cells from the necrotic effect of STZ. (15)
• Seed Polysaccharide / Drug Delivery: Seed polysaccharide can be used for controlled release of both water-soluble and water-insoluble types of drugs. The extent of release can be varied by controlling degree of cross-linking. (16)
• Iron in Mimosine Toxicity: Growing rats consuming diets with 25% L. leucocephala suffered mild alopecia, cataracts, reversible paralysis, severe growth retardation and mortality. Addition of Ferrous sulphate (2%) protected the animals from toxic symptoms.
• Antidiabetic / Seeds: Study of active fractions of L. leucocephala seeds on alloxan-induced diabetic rats showed antidiabetic activities, with bioactive compounds indicating glycoside compounds with galactose monosaccharide clusters and other saccharides. (18) Study evaluated the effect of ethyl acetate fraction from L. leucocephala extract prepared from macerated dried and powdered seeds in reducing blood sugar levels in alloxan monohydrate-induced hyperglycemic wistar rats. Results showed the EA fraction decreased glucose level (p<0.05) more than the negative control. (47) Study of seed extract showed antidiabetic and antioxidant activities. There was an increase in the level of serum insulin in diabetic-LLSE treated rats. The antioxidant activity was attributed to the phenolic content. The seed extract did not produce mortality or acute toxicity in rats with doses up to 2000 mg/kbw. There was alteration in levels of creatinine and TP in treated rats. (59)
• Seed Oil / Antimicrobial: L. leucocephala seed oil extract showed concentration-dependent activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The lotion formulation had good pharmaceutical properties. (19)
• Seed Composition and Activities: Study on two varieties of L. leucocephala whole seeds and seed fraction revealed that the seed kernel portion is primarily the potential source of protein. Seeds exhibited urease activity, amylase activity, saponins, and hemagglutinins; while trypsin inhibitors, amylase inhibitors, and cyanogenetic glycosides were absent. (21)
• Antioxidant / Cytotoxicity: A 20% aqueous methanol dried leaf extract was evaluated for antioxidant and cytotoxic activity. Fractionation isolated epicatechin-3-O-gallate (1) along with two quercetin glycosides: quercetin-3-O-arabinofuranoside (2) and quercetin-3-O-rhamnoside (3) together with apigenin (4). On DPPH assay, the isolated compounds showed strong antioxidant activity. Compound 1 showed slight toxicity against Vero cells. (22)
• Bark Gum Potential: Leucaena leucocephala bark gum showed a swelling ability that may provide potential for its use as a disintegrant in tablet formulation, as a hydro gel in modified release dosage forms, and because of its rheological flow properties, as a suspending and emulsifying agent. (23)
• Effect of Seeds on Hair Follicles of Mice / Leucaenine: Seeds of Leucaena glauca contain a biologically active agent which inhibits hair growth. Study favors the hypothesis of Farinas and Shostak that leucaenine inhibits mitosis in the hair follicles, especially in the matrix, with effects similar to those obtained with X-irradiation and chemical agents. Leucaenine seems to be a mitotic inhibitor, and may have damaging effects upon keratinization, but with not effect upon melanogenesis. (24)
• Stimulation of Adipogenesis, Lipolysis and Glucose Uptake / Fruit : Study evaluated the in vitro "insulin-like" activities of L. leucocephala aqueous fruit extract on lipid and glucose metabolisms using primary rat adipocytes. Results showed the aqueous fruit extract was able to activate adipogenesis and glucose uptake in rat primary adipocytes efficiently, also exerting a lipolytic effect on fully differentiated adipocytes. Results suggest use in the management of type 2 diabetes. (26)
• Nematicidal / Leaves and Roots: Study showed leaf and root extracts of L. leucocephala and G. sepium could be useful in root knot nematode management in vegetable beds. (27)
• Phenolic Content / Free Radical Scavenging: Various extracts of different parts of Leucana leucocephala (leaf, stem, and seed) were assessed for total phenolic content and antioxidant activities. The aqueous extract of seed showed the highest total phenolic content. All different parts of L. leucocephala can act as radical scavenger, the highest scavenging effect was found in the aqueous extract of seed. (28)
• Biofuel Potential / Corrosion Inhibitor: Leucocephala seed oil is used as biofuel inn diesel engines. Kernel contains 15-20% fatty acid. Oil extracted from the kernel is used as biofuel, and can directly blend with fossil fuel at maximum of 20%. Fatty acid has potential for inhibiting bio-corrosion of mild steel and copper alloys. (29)
• Inhibition of Hair Growth: The inhibition of hair growth with L. glauca seeds and leaves is attributed to the amino acid "leucaenol" or leuca-inine. The ingestion of isolated leucaenine by rats and mice is said to have the same effect as whole seeds. Leucaenine seems to be a mitotic inhibitor, and may have damaging effects upon keratinization, while having no effects on melanogenesis. (31)
• Effect of Semen Quality and Fertility: Study evaluated the effects of feeding Leucaena leucocephala on semen quality and fertility on mature male goats. Semen quality on LL treatment significantly increased (P=0.004) between days 0 and 77, and probably explains the significant difference between fertility rates of bucks. (33)
• Phytoremediation / of Semen Quality and Fertility: Phytoremedial studies on coal mine wastes and coal by Leucaena leucocephala suggests the plantation of LL is one of the best options for phytoremediation of coal mine wastes. (34)
• Leaf Meal as Protein Source: Findings suggest the water soaking or treatment with FeS04 solution reduces the anti-nutritional factors (including mimosine) and improves the nutritional quality of LLM containing diets for pigs. (35)
• Flavanoidal Constituents / Antioxidant Activity: Study of various fractions of aqueous alcoholic extract of aerial parts of Leucaena leucocephala yielded flavanoidal constituents. The ethyl acetate fraction and isolated flavonoidal compounds showed high antioxidant activity compared to Trolox (standard antioxidant compound). (see constituents above) (38)
• Anti-Dengue / Anti-Yellow Fever / Galactomannan / Seeds: Galactomannans extract from the seeds of Leucaena leucocephala have demonstrated activity against yellow fever virus (YFV) and DENV-1 in vitro and in vivo. L. leucocephala show protection against death in 96.5% of YFV-infected mice. In vitro experiments with DENV-1 in C6/36 cell culture assay showed the the concentration producing a 100-fold decrease in virus titer of DENV-1 was 37 mg/L. (39)
• Anthelmintic / Seeds and Leaves: Study evaluated the anthelmintic activity of Leucaena glauca (Ipil-ipil) seed and leaf extract in an Ascaridae model. The extracts were tested against Ascaris suum in vitro. Results showed dose-dependent anthelmintic activity. The most active fraction of the Leucaena seed are polyphenols, i.e., flavonoids and tannin, which in the absence of alkaloids means the most potent anthelmintic principles of the seed can be obtained without the risk of mimosine toxicity. (42)
• Condensed Tannins / Antioxidant / Antimicrobial / Cytotoxic: Condensed tannins (CTs) are promising for their potentially health-promoting qualities. CTs extracted from L. leucocephala were subjected to antioxidant (FRAP, DPPH, ABTS radical scavenging assays), antimicrobial and cytotoxic (human breast adenocarcinoma [MCF-7], human colon carcinoma [HT29], human cervical carcinoma [HeLa] and human liver carcinoma [HepG2]} evaluation. Results showed antioxidant activity with the CTs showing higher in vitro antioxidant activities. It demonstrated anti-microbial activity towards selected gram positive and gram negative bacteria. The CTs also demonstrated apoptotic cytotoxic activity toward human breast cancer cells (MCF-7). (43)
• Anti-Lipidemic Effect / Leaves: Study evaluated the hypolipidemic effect of various doses of Leucaena leucocephala leaf extracts in STZ-induced hyperlipidemia in rats. Results showed a significant decrease in the levels of serum cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, and VLDL, and a significant rise in HDL. (44)
• Toxic Effects of Mimosine on Thyroid Gland / Leaves: Study evaluated a male sheep model for toxicity effects of mimosine present in Leucaena leucocephala with diets containing 30% and 60% leaves of L. leucocephala. Histopathological studies were done on the thyroid gland which showed severe degeneration of follicles and follicular cells, together with shrinkage and morphological changes. Results suggest the toxic effects of mimosine present in L. leucocephala were more severe in animals fed with 60% than those fed with 30% LL in the diet. (45)
• Insect Repellent: In a survey of 54 species of plants (classified into 49 genera and 26 families) for insect repellent activity, L. leucocephala was 1 of 7 most important species based on use value (UV). Leucaena leucocephala has the highest UV value of 0.33 (range of 0.33 to 0.09). Burning of dried stems was the method of use. (46)
• Effect of Detoxificated L. leucocephala Leaf Meal on Prenatal Development: Study evaluated the effect of combining various concentrations of detoxificated L. leucocephala leaf meal (DLLLM) with pregnant rat diet to the prenatal development of their embryos. Results showed the addition of up to 22.5% DLLLM into pregnant rats diet does not inhibit the prenatal development of fetuses. (49)
• Inhibitory Effects on Human Oral Cancer Cells and Metastasis: Study investigated the effect of L. leucocephala extract (LLE) on SCC-9 and SAS oral cancer cells. Results showed attenuation of migration and invasion abilities of both SCC-9 and SAS cells by reducing activity and protein expression of matrix metalloproteinases-2 (MMP-2). Results showed potential for the prevention and treatment of oral cancer. (50)
• Antioxidant / Leaves: Study evaluated the antioxidant effects of leaf extracts in oxidative stress induced vascular endothelial function in human umbilical vein cultured (HUVCs). Results showed total polyphenol and flavonoid contents were 51.04 ± 0.91 mg GAE/g and 0.13 ± 0.01 mg catechin/g of DW, respectively. DPPH assay showed an IC 50 of 329.6 µg of vitamin C equivalent/mg of extracts. (52)
• α-Glucosidase Inhibitory Activity: Study evaluated methanol extract and different fractions of Leucaena leucocephala for in vitro α-glucosidase inhibitory activity compared to standard drug Acarbose. Results showed the methanol extract and EA fraction exhibited significant percent inhibitory activity at dose of 2.5 mg/ml with 71.55±0.009%, IC50 0.210±0.003 mg ml-1 & 65.44±0.005%, IC50 0.270±0.042 mg ml-1, respectively. (53)
• Acaricidal / Ovicidal / Seeds: Study evaluated the acaricidal and ovicidal activities of various seed extracts of Leucaena glauca seeds against adults and eggs of Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acariformes). Hexane and dichlormethane extracts of dried seeds showed higher acaricidal effect than other extracts. Extracts also demonstrated deterrence of oviposition. All tested concentrations also showed good potential for repelling this mite and decreased the egg laying. Results showed potential for development as botanical acaricides for T. urticae management. (54)
• Anticancer / Anti-Metastasis: Study evaluated the anti-cancer effects of L. leucocephala compounds in human chronic myelogenous leukemia and various cancer cell lines. Phytochemical analysis yielded 14 compounds belonging to prenols, sterol, flavonoids, coumarins, and triterpene derivatives. IC50 values of pheophorbide-a methyl ester, pyropheophorbide and pheophytin-a were 2.6, 3.69 and 1.89 µM in AGS cell line. Results indicated anti-proliferation, anti-migration and anti-invasion effects of L. leucocephala components. (55)
• Tyrosinase Inhibition / Pigmentation Prevention: Chemical analysis yielded lupeol and pheophorbide. The two compounds showed antioxidant activity by DPPH assay and mushroom tyrosinase activities. Results suggest the constituents have potential as natural antioxidants and for prevention of pigmentation. (56)
• Anticholinesterase / Antioxidant / Anti-Inflammatory / Leaves: In a study of twelve South African medicinal plants traditionally used to alleviate pain and inflammation, L. leucocephala showed inhibition of NO production by 97% at concentration of 25 µg/mL and strong activity against acetylcholinesterase with IC50 of 118 µg/mL. The plant also showed high phenolics and flavonoids. (57)
• Treatment for Ascariasis and Trichuriasis / Seeds / Cost Effective Analysis: Study evaluated the anthelmintic use of L. leucocephala seed for treatment of worm-infected children. Results showed cure by the absence of Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura eggs in the faeces of treated children. The most effective regimen was a single dose for two consecutive days. (58)
• Cytotoxicity / Flavonoid Glycosides / Pods: Study evaluated L. leucocephala pods for cytotoxic in vitro activity against hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2) cells. Study isolated a new acylated glycoside, luteolin-7-O-[2'’-O-(5'’’-O- coumaroyl)-ß- D-apiofuranosyl]-ß-D-glucopyranoside, two known sulphated compounds, isoorientin 7 sulphate (2) and tamarixetin-3-sulphate (3) in addition to rutin (4) and luteolin (5). The active compounds showed weak cytotoxic activity. (60)
• Mucilage Use as Natural Disintegration of Tablets: Study showed that mucilage of L. leucocephala and T. foenum-graceum can be used as natural disintegrants for faster disintegration of tablets in the mouth. (61)
• No Anti-Inflammatory Activity / Cytotoxic Activity / Leaves and Seeds: Study evaluated the cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory activities of seeds and leaves using albino rats. Results showed no potent inhibitory effects on measures of inflammation parameters on rat's paw. On cytotoxicity testing using Artemia salina or brine shrimp, results showed cytotoxicity evidenced by LD50 effect in 5µg/ml extract concentration. (63)
• Antidiarrheal / Seed: Study evaluated the antidiarrheal activity of ethanol extracts of L. leucocephala seeds in rats. In castor oil induced diarrhea, there was significant delay in onset of diarrhea, reduced frequency, stool weight and duration of diarrhea. At dose of 400 mg/kbw, the extract did not differ significantly from loperamide. The extract reduced the distance traveled by Chinese ink in the intestine at a dose of 400 mg/kbw. The antidiarrheal activity was dose dependent. (65)
• Antiproliferation / Antioxidant / Antimigration Effects / Cervical Cancer Cell Line: Study evaluated the anti-proliferation and anti-migration effects of Leucaena leucocephala leaves and Dolichandrone serrulata flowers ethanolic extracts against human cervical cancer cell line. Total phenolic contents of both plant extracts and flavonoid content of LL extract were highest in the ethyl acetate fraction. LL ethyl acetate fraction showed most promising antioxidant activity. Assay for wound healing showed both LL and DS at 125 µg/ml could significantly decrease migration rate of HeLa. Results suggest LL and DL at 125-500 µg/ml possess antioxidant and anti-migration activity, as well as ability to induce cancer cell death. (66)
• Antibacterial / Leaf Essential Oil: Study evaluated the essential oil of leaves of Leucaena leucocephala and its antibacterial potential. GC-MS analysis of leaves for essential oil yielded 30 phytochemicals with major constituents of neophytadiene (9.48%), octadecane (3.15%), 1-octadecyne m(3.85%), phytol (52.51%), and hexacosane (7.26%). Antibacterial testing showed zone of inhibition ranging from 0.70 to 1.27 mm for S. aureus and K. pneumonia, respectively. (67)
• Anthelmintic in Native Chickens: Study evaluated the efficacy of ipil-ipil, betel nut (Areca catechu) and papaya (Carica papaya) seeds as anthelmintic in Darag native chicken. Results showed the ethnobotanical dewormers significantly reduced EPG (egg per gram) count of roundworms comparable to percent EPF count reduction of commercial dewormer. (68)
• Silver Nanoparticles / Antioxidant and Antimicrobial / Seeds: Study reports on a safe, efficient, and environment friendly biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using L. leucocephala seed extract, The AgNPs exhibited significant antimicrobial and antifungal activity and excellent antioxidant activity. In a trial for sensing property towards common ions, the NPs showed extraordinary ability towards Fe++. (69)
• Anthelmintic / Aerial Parts: Study evaluated the anthelmintic activity of 50% hydroethanolic extract of aerial parts (leaves, seeds, stems) of Leucaena leucocephala through in vitro assay against Pheretima posthuma. All the extracts were able to paralyze and kill the earthworms. The leaves showed significant activity at highest concentration of 100 mg/ml followed by the seed and stem. (70)
• Emulsifying Property / Seed Gum: Study evaluated the seed gum derived from L. leucocephala as an emulsifying agent. Liquid paraffin emulsions (o/w) containing 30% liquid paraffin in water were formulated using leucaena seed gum in concentration range of 1-4% w/v. Results showed that the seed gum possesses emulsifying properties as compared to gum acacia and can be used to formulate pharmaceutical preparation requiring this property. (71)
• Disintegrant Action of Seed Gum in Ibuprofen Tablets: Study evaluated the disintegrant action of L. leucocephala seed gum (LSG) in lactose (soluble) based tablets containing ibuprofen, a relatively insoluble drug. LSG at low concentration level (2% w/w( can be used as a disintegrant in tablet design form containing water insoluble drug. LSG swells rapidly when brought in contact with water, while preventing liquid uptake in cylindrical column of power. The initial swelling of LSG particles generates enough pressure to elicit disintegration action in the tablet before further liquid results in formation of a mucilaginous, gel-like coherent mass, which hinders further movement of wat3r into the tablet matrix. (72)
• Acute Effects of Mimosine on Male Reproductive System: Study evaluated the acute effect of purified mimosine extracted from Leucaena leucocephala on male reproductive system in adult male mice. Results showed mimosine on all test doses could significantly reduce the absolute and relative weights of testis and seminal vesicle but not of epididymis plus vas deferens. Mimosine can also reduce sperm concentration. There was also seminiferous atrophy and degeneration. Results suggest consumption of L. leucocephala edible parts containing mimosine could damage male reproductive organs and may cause acute male subfertility or infertility. (73)
• Reduction of Mimosine Content by Ethyl Methanesulphonate / Seeds and Leaves: Study evaluated the reduction of mimosine content. Seeds were treated with three doses of ethyl methanesulphonate (MES) in doses of 0.1, o.3 and 0.6% aiming to reduce mimosine content and improving nutritive value. m Mimosine content, crude protein and crude fiber were decreased with increasing EMS doses. The 0.6% dose was more beneficial in reducing mimosine content. A new clone was identified which provided better forage quality as livestock fodder for use by ruminant and non-ruminant animals. The livestock feed can contain more than 30% leaves, which can help reduce livestock feed price in the future. (74)
• Anti-Inflammatory / Chemically-Modified Polysaccharide / Effect on Macrophage Functions / Seeds: Study chemically modified a polysaccharide extract from seeds to prepare C-glycoside 2-propanol derivative (PE),and its sulphated derivative (SPE) aimed to characterize the immunomodulatory activities by exploring its effects on RAW macrophage 264.7 functions and antioxidant activity. Results showed the PE may act as a potent anti-inflammatory agent, while the SPE may act as an inducer of macrophage functions against pathogens. (75)
• Bacterial Endosymbiont / Antioxidant / Antidiabetic / Leaves: Endosymbionts is emerging globally as a potential source of bioactive phytochemicals. Study evaluated the antioxidant and antidiabetic potential of endophytic crude extracts isolated from L. leucocephala leaves. The isolated endophytic bacteria was identified as Cronobacter sakazakii. LL exhibited potent free radical scavenging effect against ABTS and DPPH radicals with IC50s pf 17.49 and 11.3 µg/ml, respectively. LL exhibited α- amylase and α-glucosidase inhibition with IC50s of 23.3 and 23.4 µg/ml, respectively. Study suggests LL has a wellspring of natural source of antioxidants and antidiabetic agents and and phytoconstituents in endophytes which could be a rich source of bioactive compounds. (76)
• Foliage Flavonoids / Benefits in Ruminant Health: Study of Leucaena leucocephala foliage for constituents isolated 17 diverse flavonoids (1-17), Flavonoids 7, 10, and 13 could strongly induce transcriptional activity of pHRE-Luc with potential to induce expression of EPO. Flavonoids 7, 10, 13, and 17 showed strong anti-inflammatory activity. Flavonoids 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 16 and 17 showed strong antioxidant activities of DPPH radical scavenging. (see constituents above) (77)
• Antinematicidal / Quercetin / Leaves: Study isolated a flavonoid, quercetin, from extract of leaves of Leucaena leucocephala and investigated its effects on egg hatching and juvenile mortality of Meloidogyne incognita. The compound was highly toxic to eggs and juveniles of the nematode. (78)
• Ipil-ipil Seed Gum as Co-Encapsulating Agent for Powdered Insulin Plant: Study evaluated the use of Leucaena leucocephala (Ipil-ipil) as a source of co-encapsulating material for controlled drug delivery release of C. cuspidatus leaves. Galactomannan, the main component of isolated seed gum, can be used as substitute for effective controlled drug release. FTIR study showed successful incorporation of the powdered leaves inside the encapsulating material. Ridges and pores were present on the surface of the capsules for immediate disintegration and hydration. Results suggest Leucaena leucocephala seed gum is a potential candidate as co-encapsulating material for effective, targeted, and controlled delivery of C. cuspidatus leaf powder for maximum antidiabetic benefits. (80)
• A Multipurpose Leguminous Plant / Alternative Protein Source and More / Review: Among all tropical legume plants, Leucaena probably offers the widest assortment of uses. As a decorative plant, it beautifies the landscape. It is an alternative source of protein to fodder, useful for reducing methane emissions in ruminant farming from tannin content of feeds. It is useful for honeybees and other pollinating insects, an important protein source of honeybee species (Apis mellifera). It is a soil improver, a living fence, fire break and wind break. It is suitable for producing both biofuels and feedstuff. The seeds and leaves are promising sources of pharmacological compounds for veterinary applications. Seed oil exhibits antimicrobial activity on mastitis. Protein extracts have shown anti-hatching activity on eggs of nematode Haemonchus contortus. (81)
• Anthelmintic / Caenorhabditis elegans / Mimosine: Study validated the presence of mimosine in the LL extract and evaluated the anthelmintic effect of the extract and mimosine using the animal model Caenorhabditis elegans. Exposure to extract and mimosine significantly decreased head thrashing, egg-laying, and mean pump amplitude of pharyngeal pumping activity. Behavioral changes were speculated to be due to inhibitory effect of the extract and mimosine on L-type calcium channel called EGL-19. (82)
Updated August 2023 / January 2021 / March 2018 / July 2016
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